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Full Body Permanent Laser Hair Removal Cost Per Session
Top FAQs

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Everyone has a hair removal routine. It may be shaving, waxing, tweezing, or even threading.

All these methods come with nicks, cuts, razor burns, and lots of pain.
Laser hair removal is becoming more and more popular with its many benefits. It is more expensive than traditional hair removal, but it is worth looking at and comparing.

Are you sensitive like me, who hates thinking about hair removal but needs to for the sake of beauty? If so, many questions come to mind when thinking of laser hair removal. This post will cover some of the top FAQs everyone needs to know about full body laser hair removal cost per session.

Let's Start at the Beginning - How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser Hair Removal is a popular cosmetic procedure to remove unwanted hair from the full body permanently. Keep in mind, it’s a slow process, and you will need multiple sessions. However, the good news is that each session will lead to less and less hair.

Note: Benefits of full body permanent laser hair removal include.

  • Most clients can expect to see permanent hair loss after about three to seven treatments.
  • The lease can target dark-color roots without damaging the skin around.

Laser hair removal is most affected on dark-color roots because blonde or grays are harder to detect. It is practically pain-free and has long-lasting results with no major side effects.

Some of the most common areas include the full face, underarms, back, chest, legs, and bikini area. Laser hair removal treatments are available for women and men and can be used on any body part, excluding the eyes.

You might be wondering, well, how the process works?

As the laser beam scans over an area of the body, it targets pigment found at the root of the hair follicle. Then the laser converts light to heat energy that blasts the hair at the root. When the hair follicle absorbs the light, it is destroyed, and the hair falls out.

The laser’s setting and power will affect the outcome of the desired look.

Note: After the session, you will feel sunburned, so keep cool with a cold compress, moisturizer, and air conditioner. You can also use sunscreen and wear long-cover clothing to protect yourself from the sun.

What I Paid For My Full Body Laser Hair Removal Cost Per Session

Well, My daughter and I went to a Med Spa in Dallas, TX. 

My daughter had purchased a package of both legs, both arms, underarms, and posterior neck, costing around $4000. In her experience, the treatment was only minimally painful, the laser feeling like tiny pinpricks in her skin, slightly more where the hair was thicker. 

The technician used a cool gel to minimize the heat from the laser as well. After the first few treatments, the hair growth had decreased significantly. The specialist required her to shave the treatment areas as closely as possible before the day of the appointment, avoid excess sun exposure, and avoid taking any antibiotics for at least two weeks before. 

After the treatment, she was told not to exercise or take hot water showers until at least 24 hours to avoid any skin damage. By following these instructions, my daughter had no complications during this time, and the laser hair removal was very successful.

She had 7 treatments of my full body that included legs, arms, armpits, and the back of my neck. By my 5th treatment, she saw great results.

The staff at the Med-Spa were amazing and knowledgeable. We loved my experience there. 

An example of a small area pricing,

$60 x 5 = $300

Area x Session = Cost Per Session

How Many Sessions of Laser Do You Need For Permanent Hair Removal?

It’s recommended four to seven sessions. However, the number of sessions and intervals will depend on the body area, hair type, and hair color. You may also need follow-ups to maintain the long-lasting result.

What Is The Average Cost Of Full Body Laser Hair Removal Per Session?

According to the American Society Of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of laser hair removal is $389 per session.

However, the cost of laser hair removal can vary widely. Many factors can affect the price of treatment. For example, the area being treated, the number of sessions needed, and the clinic you choose.

The cost can range from $15 to $500 per session for laser hair removal.

Usually, clinics offer deal packages because you need multiple sessions. For example, we got the buy one arm and got the other arm free. So I did arms, legs, underarms, and back of the neck done. 

We recommend calling your local clinics or med-spa, making a consultation appointment for the final cost.

Factors that Affect Cost of Full Body Laser Hair Removal

When choosing a clinic for permanent laser hair removal, cheaper is not always better. It is a cosmetic procedure and needs professional care.
Only an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or specialized technician can do the procedure.

Location -

Geographical location of the office. If you live in an area of high-cost living, you may pay a little more for treatment.

Treatment Area -

Small areas like the upper lip will cost less than a larger area like legs or back.

Experience of the Provider -

A certified plastic surgeon, dermatologist, or specialized technician with experience may charge more, resulting in a higher treatment cost.

Sessions -

Depending on the body area, you will need at least four to six sessions (Mayo Clinic) and may need touch-up sessions.

Hair & Skin -

The shade of your hair and skin may require extra sessions. For example, the treatment works best with dark hair and light skin.

Consultation Fee -

Some places may or may not charge a consultation fee.

Recovery Time

Everyone is unique, so that recovery time may be a little different. After treatment, you need to avoid sun exposure by wearing long clothes, sunglasses, or sunscreen. You will feel sunburned so keep yourself cool with air conditioning or a cool shower.

Will Insurance Cover The Cost Of Laser Hair Removal?

In short, No, insurance does not cover laser hair removal because it is considered a cosmetic procedure.

How Long Does Permanent Laser Hair Removal Last?

Laser hair removal is not permanent. It is a reduction of hair growth.
Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for permanent hair reduction.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Get Laser Hair Removal?

The recommended age is 14. The child will need permission from the parents or guardians. The child will get the best long-lasting result if he or she has not gone through puberty.

Can You Get Laser Hair Removal While Pregnant?

Most doctors are against laser hair removal for pregnant women. There is no evidence to confirm that it would be safe for the baby and mom. We suggest talking to your doctor first about laser hair removal.

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